At TEMU, these are 2500 HUF/pc. Before you rush to order, look around the market carefully!
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Kedves Vásárlónk!
Az ön által vásárolt Bud Spencer és Terence Hill-es termékek Németországban készültek a filmek jogtulajdonosának engedélyével.
Attól, hogy az eredeti terméket kínában lemásolják és töredék áron értékesítik, az nem a terméket és legfőképp nem minket minősít.
Delivery takes a long time.
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It was only after payment that it turned out that they would also order it.
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Fast service
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Everything went smoothly with the ordering process, I received the product quite quickly.
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Transparent, clean website, easy to order, the only problem is that it's a bit slow
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Basically, my opinion of the webshop would be good, but this is tempered by the packaging of the products (which is an outer black bag with a white bag or let's call it a nylon bag) the ordered product itself pressed into the inner bag and none of the products were in the box, which is quite bad for an original product that I can give as a gift. So the products without separate box packaging are about as if I had shot from the two-stick line in the target shooting range on the village day. From this I can also think that the products are not original. I understand this let's be green blabber, but let's stop for a moment. Don't save on this anymore
Translated from this language: hungarian
Tisztelt Vásárlónk!
Ön 2db plüsst, 1db szövet telefontartót és 1db párnahuzatot rendelt.
Nem értjük milyen gyári díszcsomagolást kér rajtunk számon. Hiszen a megrendelt termékek közül egyik sem rendelkezik gyárilag karton/dísz- csomagolással.
Kizárólag eredeti termékeket forgalmazunk, ezt bizonyítja az összes megrendelt termékén lógó hivatalos termékcímke a licence logókkal és feliratokkal.
A nem törékeny termékeket teljesen új, gyárilag újrahasznosított anyagból készült, hivatalos nevén futártasakba csomagoljuk. (ez rá is van nyomtatva a futártasakra)
The order went well. However, the box of the products was a little damaged. According to the customer service, the packaging/box of this product is not considered a product; therefore, the product is not defective due to the imperfect packaging. However, with this product, "Funko POP", the box itself is also part of the product, especially if you buy it as a collector's item. I was not satisfied with this answer!
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The 11-day delivery deadline is a long time in today's world, even if you sell the products from an external partner's warehouse.
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