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Sleeping Beauty products gifts

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Sleeping Beauty description

Welcome to our enchanting Sleeping Beauty collection! Step into the magical world of Aurora, the princess cursed at birth by the vengeful Maleficent. Discover the tale of true love’s kiss, brave Prince Phillip, and the three good fairies – Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather – who guide and protect Aurora. Explore the opulent castle where Aurora grows up under the watchful eyes of the fairies, and the dark, foreboding Forbidden Mountain, the lair of the evil Maleficent.

The story unfolds with the joyous celebration of Princess Aurora's birth, cruelly interrupted by Maleficent's dark magic. To protect her, the three good fairies disguise Aurora as a peasant girl named Briar Rose and raise her in a secluded cottage in the woods. On her sixteenth birthday, the curse is fulfilled, sending Aurora into a deep slumber. Only a kiss from her true love can break the spell. Prince Phillip, guided by the fairies, bravely confronts Maleficent, transforming into a fearsome dragon, ultimately defeating her and awakening Aurora with a kiss. The kingdom rejoices as Aurora and Phillip are united, ready to live happily ever after.
At our Fanbase webshop, you will find a wide range of Sleeping Beauty merchandise from top brands. Discover the world of figures, where you can collect your favourite characters, and admire FUNKO's stylized designs. Explore BULLYLAND's carefully crafted figures and MONOGRAM's unique character representations. Get your hands on other high quality products from Beast Kingdom as well!
Enjoy the magic of Sleeping Beauty while enjoying your favorite drink with our mugs. Enjoy quiet afternoons or evenings with our puzzles from Ravensburger. Take your favorite characters with you in STOR's bags. Spend fun hours with our games from HASBRO and MATTEL. Finally, save your coins with style in our coin banks.

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2025. 03. 14.

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2025. 03. 14.

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2025. 03. 13.

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2025. 03. 13.

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2025. 03. 13.

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2025. 03. 12.

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