FanToken - discount for loyal customers
How It Works?
Step 1
Earn tokens
Buy, rating, browse our offer and we will thank you with FanToken
Step 2
Tokens are automatically credited to your user account
Step 3
You can use the Tokens on the shopping cart page during your order
How you can get it?
As a registered user | Frequency | |
For ordered products | indicated on the product page | per product |
For submitting a review | 200 pc | 1x per month |
For visiting the home page | 2 pc | 1x per day |
For visiting the latest products | 5 pc | 1x per day |
For visiting the pre-order products | - | 1x per day |
For a photo of a product | 25 pc / photo | 4x per product |
Fantoken Terms
- FanToken can only be collected by registered and logged in users
- We cannot credit FanToken afterwards
- When used, 5 Tokens = € 0,01 discount
- Tokens cannot be obtained after delivery fee, cash on delivery fee, or other fees
- Tokens cannot be obtained after purchasing a giftcard. The same amount of Tokens can be obtained after a purchase paid in part or in full with a giftcard as if choosing another payment method
- Tokens are non-transferable
- Tokens cannot be exchanged for cash
- Tokens can only be used during product purchases, except for the delivery fee, cash on delivery fee and administration fee, up to the amount of the basket value
- In case of cancellation of the purchase, the Tokens used are returned to the user's balance
- The user's Token balance is reset to zero in the event of a package being refused by the courier, not picked up at a parcel machine, or at a parcel point
- FanTokens are distributed within 24 hours (every day at dawn).
- You can upload your own photos from 2024.05.02. Tokens can only be earned for photos uploaded in reviews submitted after that date.