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Arrow description


Dive into the gritty world of Starling City with our collection of Arrow merchandise. Arrow, also known as Oliver Queen, a billionaire playboy presumed dead after a shipwreck, returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city's corruption. Stranded on the treacherous island of Lian Yu, Oliver learned survival skills and honed his combat abilities, transforming himself into a lethal vigilante. His story begins with a promise to his dying father to right the wrongs of the Queen family and their associates.

Operating from his secret base beneath the Queen Consolidated building, the "Arrowcave," Oliver embarks on his mission, armed with his trusty bow and an arsenal of trick arrows. He battles criminals, corrupt officials, and formidable adversaries, all while trying to maintain his cover as the reformed Oliver Queen. His journey is fraught with challenges as he confronts his past, deals with his family's secrets, and struggles to balance his personal life with his vigilante responsibilities. Central to Arrow's narrative is the complex web of relationships he cultivates, including those with his loyal teammates, John Diggle and Felicity Smoak.

Starling City itself plays a vital role in the Arrow saga, its dark alleys and towering skyscrapers serving as the backdrop for Oliver's nightly crusade. As the series progresses, the city faces numerous threats, from organized crime syndicates to super-powered villains, forcing Arrow to constantly evolve and adapt. We offer a range of products to cater to every fan. Explore our selection of Arrow Action Figures, perfect for collectors and fans who want to bring their favorite characters to life. Also, for die-hard fans, check out our Arrow Clothing line with clothes with popular designs. For those who want to dive deeper into the comic origins of the Arrow, check out our Arrow Comics section, with everything you need to know about the origin story. And finally, for a piece of the action, our Arrow Accessories section is a great place to find something that fits you.


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2025. 03. 14.

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2025. 03. 14.

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2025. 03. 13.

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2025. 03. 13.

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2025. 03. 13.

T. Petra Customer

2025. 03. 12.

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