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Figura Obscura Action Figure Father Christmas Green Robes
Item number: 188956 / 658580362454
Available (Last pieces)

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He is known by many names. Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, Papa Noel, Weihnachtsmann, Babbo Natale, Grandfather Frost, Sinterklaas, Santa, Father Christmas. Whatever moniker you know him by, and whatever legends you have heard, one similarity across them all is that of a benevolent soul who brings joy to the children of the world.
In some of these stories he is a plump and jolly old elf, while in others he is a kind and generous man of the cloth. In other, much older tales he is a spirt of nature, friend to goodly creatures large and small. There is great magic in these tales. It is fantastical magic, like the wonder of reindeer who can fly and toy factories hidden in the northernmost part of the world. Beyond these wonderous tales, however, there is also a very real magic in the holiday season. Father Christmas is the spirit of generosity, and those who honor the lessons he teaches and bring happiness to the world help spread his magic. One need only look into the eyes of a child on Christmas morning to recognize that magic is not only found in Realms and Universes beyond our own. Magic exists in our world thanks to Father Christmas and all those who do good in his name.